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Read online Find Your Thing : How to Discover What You Do Best, Own It and Get Known for It in PDF, FB2, TXT


Finding it, refining it, loving it, and actually getting out there and doing it Don't waste your life not doing something you aren't brilliant at, not setting the world on fire with your ideas, your thinking, your inventions, your words - it doesn't matter how you do your Thing, what matters is that you DO IT! And how about turning that Thing into your business too? Lucy Whittington is on a mission - she wants everyone in the world to do what they're brilliant at and not just what they're 'good' at. Having done what she was 'good' at for a long time (marketing), and getting overqualified with an MBA, Lucy realized that her 'Thing' was finding other people's Thing and helping them turn it into a great business that they love. In this book, Lucy uses her proven five-step process to help even more people find what they are brilliant at. Find out what you should be doing and how to make a living from it Take advantage of Lucy's expertise and follow her five-step process for success Be inspired and gain real practical advice Receive guidance on taking your new business to the next level by creating your "Star Plan" Become famous for what you do Imagine being so gifted that the work you are paid to do comes as naturally as breathing, and is so enjoyable that you would do it for free. It can happen. You're gifted at something, and that something is marketable. You can put yourself on the path to your ideal life, but first you have to Find Your Thing., The book explores 5 steps to Finding Your Thing which is a model that is proven through Lucy's work. "I'm on a mission - I want everyone in the world doing what they're brilliant at and not what they're just "good" at. I call this doing your 'Thing' (with a capital T!) This book is about finding your Thing. Finding it, refining it, loving it, and actually getting out there and doing it. For me the greatest waste is you not doing your Thing. Not doing what you are brilliant at and just doing what you're good at. Not setting the world on fire with your ideas, your thinking, your inventions, your words - it doesn't matter how you do your Thing, what matters is that you DO IT! Oh and I'd like you to make your Thing your business too. It's not about doing it for free - it's doing it in a way that's valued. So what actually is your Thing? Your Thing is the thing you're brilliant at, the thing that you are effortlessly amazing at, rather than just 'good' at. It's either something you do right now, or it is a slice of what you do right now. It might something that is just a step away from what you do right now or it's a million miles away from what you do now but you see it in the distance. You may do your Thing as a hobby... you volunteer to do your Thing, you might just be doing it all the time and not realising... Your Thing is the thing that you do with ease. It's the thing that makes you smile or the thing that makes your heart sing - the thing that is so easy for you, you can't believe it's something that other people can't do. CONTENTS Introduction: What comes of Finding Your Thing, why you would want to do this and get known for it. Steps 1- 5: T Time to Find Your Thing H Have a Fame Name I Interesting Stories Sell N Nothing is Impossible G Get in Your Spotlight Next steps: Making your Star Plan and taking on the marketing.

Read online ebook Find Your Thing : How to Discover What You Do Best, Own It and Get Known for It by Lucy Whittington in DJV, TXT

Gathering under one cover the work of nearly three dozen leading scholars, this work synthesizes a broad range of approaches to this critical issue for courses in the sociology of the family or women's studies., This book offers a collection of articles that together develop a systematic understanding of family.This book will be of much inerest to students of the Former Yugoslavia, war crimes, international law, human rights, international relations and European politics.A four-part case study of Shepard Fairey's now iconic Obama Hope image elucidates how images reassemble collective life as they actualize in different versions, enter into various relations, and spark a firework of activity across the globe.The authors also deal with demographic trends, capital flows, multilateral institutions, and geopolitical configurations.When Milo evi died his trial ended.Written for non-native Spanish learners, it offers the first textbook of its kind for students of Hispanic linguistics.It examines the anxieties emerging as today's highly globalized vaccine technologies and technocracies encounter the deeply intimate personal and social worlds of parenting and childcare, showing these to be part of transforming science-society relations.Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia shows how this region is the site of recent and emerging democracies, a high degree of religious pluralism, the largest Muslim populations in the world, and several well-organized terrorist groups, making understanding of the dynamics of religious conflict and violence particularly urgent.The text is distinguished by its provision of different and even competing perspectives that address the complexities of the tragic human experience of perinatal, neonatal, and pediatric death and its focus on the nurses and other health care providers who provide care to those involved.